Thursday, April 28, 2016

The most important thing learned

I feel like the most important thing I have learned in this class is how to put literature to paper. Learning how to write essays properly that involve sources of literature. Learning how to properly cite sources, format papers, and use in source cititations. I also learned how to do peer editing in this class, help my peers gfet a better grade on their papers.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Setting for favorite tv show

My favorite tv show is SuperNatural. The setting for the show takes place in modern times, and they travel from town to town doing jobs for people and saving their lives. The setting to show is very important to the plot. It takes place mostly at night, and that helps build the suspense of the show.  It helps add the supernatural effect to it. They are never in a  really large city, but rather small towns, and that helps us connect more with the character within its plot, and open more situations for drama.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Metaphor in a song

The metaphor I choose to write about in this week post from a song by Eminem called "Space Bound". The metaphor goes like this "I'm a space bound rocketship and your heart's in the moon". The artist is comparing himself as a rocket ship heading towards the moon who is someone's heart. The reason it is a metaphor, because the artist is comparing two unlike things.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Post 15 mythological elements

In the poem "Hazel Tells LaVerne" some of the mythological elements the authors uses includes the way the poem is written. It is written in a way that it flows together with the accent, and follows the archetype of a person with a southern accent. That's what I get when I read the poem. It also has a way of capturing the author with the storytelling of the poem, and the talking frog.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Post 14 Colleagues themes

 My colleagues themes of their favorite song, or poem. Malik's favorite poem is " A Dream within a dream". Theme of the poem is, if all of this is real? Is our reality real, or just a dream within a dream. He likes the idea of asking this question, and thinking about it. Jayla's favorite poem is "Acquainted with the night". The theme of the poem is isolation, or loneliness..

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Post 13 Favorite song theme

My favorite song is lose yourself by Eminem. I like that song a lot, because I connect to it, and relate to it. The theme of my favorite song is to never lose yourself. Lose who you are, but it's also about coming out of your shell, and doing what you want to be, and be who you truly want to be. Don't ever let someone else change who you are, or who you truly want to be.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Post 11 Star Wars Theme

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith has many themes including family, empathy, and fear. The main theme of the movie that drives it forward is loss. The main character in the movie Anakin Skywalker is afraid of losing his pregnant wife in child birth, so he does anything to save. Which means going against his order, because of this fear of losing her, and doing terrible things. Loss is a recurring theme throughout the whole saga of Star Wars.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Post 10

My classmate Malik Toomer wears a cross around his neck everyday, and it symbolizes Jesus. It also has a more personal meaning to him, just like my symbol. It also reminds him of his Great-grandmother who sadly passed away, and she gave him the necklace. The next classmate symbol I looked at was Keyshuna McRae. She also wears a necklace that was given to her by her grandmother. She said each year her grandmother gave her a new necklace, but they all symbolize the same thing; love and peace.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Post 09 Symbols

The one item that I always have on me is my necklace. It is part of a yin yang symbol. It is the Yang symbol part. My brother has the Yin part of the necklace. What the necklace symbolizes to me is that my brother, and I when we are together we are complete. We are exact opposites of each other though. The Yin symbol means life, movement, sun,strong, big, love, and mercy.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Post 07 Response to two colleagues post

Addison did her Doc 1 on "A Secret Sorrow" by Karen van der zee. She chose the story, because it was a more modern story. She also liked how the story "proves that love conquers all, no matter what the circumstances may be" She then tells a short summary of the story. She really liked how the story was told, because it was easy to understand, and follow.

The next person's blog I read was Wilkins. He did his Doc 1 on "The Skin I'm in" by Sharon G. Flake. He said he read the story in middle school, and could really relate to it. It's his favorite book. Wilkins stated "A lot of her problems i can personally say i relate to." Wilkins learned that problems can be fixed, and that people can walk beside you, not behind. Also that is might be best to work alone to move forward.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 06 The Author

The author of "Acquainted with the Night"  is Robert Frost. He was a American Poet receiving four Pulitzer prizes for poetry.This talks a little about his personal life. His father met a "untimely death from tuberculosis in 1885".  He lost mother to cancer, and his little sister to mental illness. He also lost his wife to Breast Cancer. I believe the poem is about his struggle with depression, and him feeling like no one will understand what he is going through in life. That he can connect with no one, and time has no meaning for him, because he will forever be alone he believes. He also lost a few more people after the poem was published. I believe the poem reflects his depression. 
"Robert Frost | American Poet." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Post 05 My Classmates

This post is going to talk about what my classmates learned about their stories. The first blog I read was Thomas Smith.  The poem he read was Acquainted with the night by Robert Frost. His interpretation was a little different than mine. What he had said was " I learned that the person is like a night owl. They are wide awake in the night. They have seen and heard everything from cries to the rain drops. ". Even though our interpretations are different I still respect his view of the poem. The next classmates blog I read was Rashaan Hatcher. He also did the same poem. His view of the poem is closer to mine. He says " I've learned that the person he is talking about in the poem is a very lonely man. He doesn't want to be lonely but he is. It showed me that not everyone wants to be lonely or the lone wolf." I also like his interpretation of the poem .

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Post 04 My Poem

So I have choose to write my essay on poem in one of our assigned readings. I choose something that I can relate to more, and connect with. The poem I have now choose is Acquainted with the night by Robert Frost. After reading the poem a couple of times I learned that author is lonely while walking through the city with nobody else in sight. He eventually comes into contact with a person, but makes no contact with them. When the narrator says " unwilling to explain", he feels like no one can understand him, and that no one is calling for him. That is what I learned from the poem I choose to write my essay on.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Post 03 Story

I choose to do my Doc 1 paper about the story a A Secret Sorrow by Karen Van Der Zee. I choose this story because I like it the best out of all the three I read. I can't really relate to it but, I had really liked the emotion the author put into the paper. The connection the wife, and husband had is the reason I choose this story. They have a really strong bond, and I would like to write about that.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 02 My Favorite Movie

Hi, my favorite type of movie genre is sci-fi, and adventures. I like the cool space adventures, and space operas. I also like the cool long journey movies like for example Tolkien's Middle Earth series.  My favorite movies series is Star Wars. My favorite movie is Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. That was the first episode of Star Wars that I ever watch, and I fell in love with the series immediately after that. A lot of people don't like the prequel episodes, because they believe they were poorly done, and had bad acting, but I grew up with the prequels. After I watched Episode III I had to watch them all. My dad had brought my brother and I the complete movie set after that, and we watched them all that night, and kept watching them over, and over again after that. We got the games, toys, and some light-sabers.I really like Star Wars, because I like the aspect of space, and Star wars is all about space, and adventures. I have always been fascinated about space, and that fascination is one reason why I want to become a Aerospace Engineer. I guess you can say my favorite movie helped influence my decision on what I want to be when I grow up.

Monday, January 18, 2016


Hi my name is Trayjon Hatcher, this is my second semester at MGA. I plan on transferring to Ga Tech to finish my degree in Aerospace engineering.I'm from Atlanta, Georgia and i'm a percussionist, so I love to drum.