Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 02 My Favorite Movie

Hi, my favorite type of movie genre is sci-fi, and adventures. I like the cool space adventures, and space operas. I also like the cool long journey movies like for example Tolkien's Middle Earth series.  My favorite movies series is Star Wars. My favorite movie is Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. That was the first episode of Star Wars that I ever watch, and I fell in love with the series immediately after that. A lot of people don't like the prequel episodes, because they believe they were poorly done, and had bad acting, but I grew up with the prequels. After I watched Episode III I had to watch them all. My dad had brought my brother and I the complete movie set after that, and we watched them all that night, and kept watching them over, and over again after that. We got the games, toys, and some light-sabers.I really like Star Wars, because I like the aspect of space, and Star wars is all about space, and adventures. I have always been fascinated about space, and that fascination is one reason why I want to become a Aerospace Engineer. I guess you can say my favorite movie helped influence my decision on what I want to be when I grow up.

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