Saturday, February 6, 2016

Post 07 Response to two colleagues post

Addison did her Doc 1 on "A Secret Sorrow" by Karen van der zee. She chose the story, because it was a more modern story. She also liked how the story "proves that love conquers all, no matter what the circumstances may be" She then tells a short summary of the story. She really liked how the story was told, because it was easy to understand, and follow.

The next person's blog I read was Wilkins. He did his Doc 1 on "The Skin I'm in" by Sharon G. Flake. He said he read the story in middle school, and could really relate to it. It's his favorite book. Wilkins stated "A lot of her problems i can personally say i relate to." Wilkins learned that problems can be fixed, and that people can walk beside you, not behind. Also that is might be best to work alone to move forward.

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