Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Post 11 Star Wars Theme

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith has many themes including family, empathy, and fear. The main theme of the movie that drives it forward is loss. The main character in the movie Anakin Skywalker is afraid of losing his pregnant wife in child birth, so he does anything to save. Which means going against his order, because of this fear of losing her, and doing terrible things. Loss is a recurring theme throughout the whole saga of Star Wars.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Post 10

My classmate Malik Toomer wears a cross around his neck everyday, and it symbolizes Jesus. It also has a more personal meaning to him, just like my symbol. It also reminds him of his Great-grandmother who sadly passed away, and she gave him the necklace. The next classmate symbol I looked at was Keyshuna McRae. She also wears a necklace that was given to her by her grandmother. She said each year her grandmother gave her a new necklace, but they all symbolize the same thing; love and peace.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Post 09 Symbols

The one item that I always have on me is my necklace. It is part of a yin yang symbol. It is the Yang symbol part. My brother has the Yin part of the necklace. What the necklace symbolizes to me is that my brother, and I when we are together we are complete. We are exact opposites of each other though. The Yin symbol means life, movement, sun,strong, big, love, and mercy.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Post 07 Response to two colleagues post

Addison did her Doc 1 on "A Secret Sorrow" by Karen van der zee. She chose the story, because it was a more modern story. She also liked how the story "proves that love conquers all, no matter what the circumstances may be" She then tells a short summary of the story. She really liked how the story was told, because it was easy to understand, and follow.

The next person's blog I read was Wilkins. He did his Doc 1 on "The Skin I'm in" by Sharon G. Flake. He said he read the story in middle school, and could really relate to it. It's his favorite book. Wilkins stated "A lot of her problems i can personally say i relate to." Wilkins learned that problems can be fixed, and that people can walk beside you, not behind. Also that is might be best to work alone to move forward.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 06 The Author

The author of "Acquainted with the Night"  is Robert Frost. He was a American Poet receiving four Pulitzer prizes for poetry.This talks a little about his personal life. His father met a "untimely death from tuberculosis in 1885".  He lost mother to cancer, and his little sister to mental illness. He also lost his wife to Breast Cancer. I believe the poem is about his struggle with depression, and him feeling like no one will understand what he is going through in life. That he can connect with no one, and time has no meaning for him, because he will forever be alone he believes. He also lost a few more people after the poem was published. I believe the poem reflects his depression. 
"Robert Frost | American Poet." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.