Thursday, April 28, 2016

The most important thing learned

I feel like the most important thing I have learned in this class is how to put literature to paper. Learning how to write essays properly that involve sources of literature. Learning how to properly cite sources, format papers, and use in source cititations. I also learned how to do peer editing in this class, help my peers gfet a better grade on their papers.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Setting for favorite tv show

My favorite tv show is SuperNatural. The setting for the show takes place in modern times, and they travel from town to town doing jobs for people and saving their lives. The setting to show is very important to the plot. It takes place mostly at night, and that helps build the suspense of the show.  It helps add the supernatural effect to it. They are never in a  really large city, but rather small towns, and that helps us connect more with the character within its plot, and open more situations for drama.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Metaphor in a song

The metaphor I choose to write about in this week post from a song by Eminem called "Space Bound". The metaphor goes like this "I'm a space bound rocketship and your heart's in the moon". The artist is comparing himself as a rocket ship heading towards the moon who is someone's heart. The reason it is a metaphor, because the artist is comparing two unlike things.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Post 15 mythological elements

In the poem "Hazel Tells LaVerne" some of the mythological elements the authors uses includes the way the poem is written. It is written in a way that it flows together with the accent, and follows the archetype of a person with a southern accent. That's what I get when I read the poem. It also has a way of capturing the author with the storytelling of the poem, and the talking frog.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Post 14 Colleagues themes

 My colleagues themes of their favorite song, or poem. Malik's favorite poem is " A Dream within a dream". Theme of the poem is, if all of this is real? Is our reality real, or just a dream within a dream. He likes the idea of asking this question, and thinking about it. Jayla's favorite poem is "Acquainted with the night". The theme of the poem is isolation, or loneliness..

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Post 13 Favorite song theme

My favorite song is lose yourself by Eminem. I like that song a lot, because I connect to it, and relate to it. The theme of my favorite song is to never lose yourself. Lose who you are, but it's also about coming out of your shell, and doing what you want to be, and be who you truly want to be. Don't ever let someone else change who you are, or who you truly want to be.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Post 11 Star Wars Theme

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith has many themes including family, empathy, and fear. The main theme of the movie that drives it forward is loss. The main character in the movie Anakin Skywalker is afraid of losing his pregnant wife in child birth, so he does anything to save. Which means going against his order, because of this fear of losing her, and doing terrible things. Loss is a recurring theme throughout the whole saga of Star Wars.